Holly Greenwood, finalist in this year’s Sulman Prize

We are thrilled to congratulate Holly Greenwood, who has been named a finalist in this year’s Sulman Prize! ⁠

Greenwood’s finalist work is an ode to a pub in Soho, London. The French House is a small intimate space with a history that reflects the life of artists and writers, from Francis Bacon to Dylan Thomas. In 2023, I spent summer afternoons there with locals and tourists all spilling out onto Dean Street, where people young and old alike truly share time and conversation. In a world increasingly dominated by our phones, the pub gives us all a little bit of respite from our daily lives. The work is an attempt to capture those fleeting moments in all their chaos and beauty.⁠

We’re pleased to be presenting new work by Holly Greenwood later this year, to register for a catalogue preview please email info@jamesmakingallery.com.⁠

Congratulations and good luck to all of this year’s finalists.⁠

Image: Holly Greenwood, No phones allowed, 2024, oil on canvas, 137.5 x 183.5 cm

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