We are thrilled to congratulate Holly Greenwood, who has been named a finalist in this year’s Sulman Prize!
Greenwood’s finalist work is an ode to a pub in Soho, London. The French House is a small intimate space with a history that reflects the life of artists and writers, from Francis Bacon to Dylan Thomas. In 2023, I spent summer afternoons there with locals and tourists all spilling out onto Dean Street, where people young and old alike truly share time and conversation. In a world increasingly dominated by our phones, the pub gives us all a little bit of respite from our daily lives. The work is an attempt to capture those fleeting moments in all their chaos and beauty.
We’re pleased to be presenting new work by Holly Greenwood later this year, to register for a catalogue preview please email info@jamesmakingallery.com.
Congratulations and good luck to all of this year’s finalists.
Image: Holly Greenwood, No phones allowed, 2024, oil on canvas, 137.5 x 183.5 cm